

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Water colours and sketches

Hello dear friends & readers!

Firstly thank you for the batik tips ;) i have found the wax and a pot to smelt it in. I have done some experiments but still a bit unsure if i should share them haha, a birthday gift went horribly wrong last week :P

But I would like to share my continuation of experimenting with water colours. Actually I'm using chinese ink and water colour pencils. I forgot my water colours you see.. but I think it's working fine. I did this bird and i hope you can give me some tips or suggestions.

On my more comfortable zone of drawing I had this urge to draw Kukulkan or Quetzalcoatl, well a god found in most Mexican pre hispanic cultures. Its a feathered snake, which I think is totally cool. The heads you tend to find are like the one I sketched, and well the little guy is the personification or warrior. In Maya they believed you were born with an animal protector (like horoscope) and of course emperors were normally if not always Jaguars or Eagles, so they had to look the part and they would deform their bodies in order to appear like the animal. Hence the idea.

Next (yeah sorry for the whole legend talks) just a portrait of my boyfriend. Trying to get a grip in the skill of faces, his neck was too long and i think i should do this more often to  train it.

1 comment:

  1. Qué guay! Me encantó la historia y todos los dibujos. Me parto con el de Joost, está muy logrado!Los water colours se ven bien bellos, supongo q es más como pintar en vez de dibujar y la práctica hará mucho en cuanto a combinaciones de colores y técnica! Pero vas por muy buen camino ;) Te echo de menos, Aafkita, pero estoy feliz que estás en un lugar tan precioso y haciendo cositas bien preciosas! Love u
